

“I am always in relationship with the Divine in a person, rather than the part of them that is in pain, or suffering. In this way, I can more quickly and completely help someone release their suffering and shift to their true essence so they can thrive and be deeply fulfilled.”

I find this helps my clients to be more creative, inspired, self-loving.

They trust their inner truth and become empowered, enlightened beings. I believe we all have the potential to be our Divine Radiant Selves.

Marsha Stultz has been a practitioner of the healing arts since 1989. She has studied with many great healers, spiritual leaders, and quantum thinkers. She has been deeply inspired to see the Divine in every human being.  She has a thriving private practice seeing people from all over the world in person as well as in distance healing sessions. She is a teacher, a healer, a conscious channel and strives to inspire others to align with their Divine Self and thrive.  Marsha has developed  her original healing modality a powerful body of work that is transcendent and deeply healing called Heart Lotus Evolution. To learn more about this click on Heart Lotus Evolution Page or Classes page. Join Marsha for her twelve day certification program in Heart Lotus Evolution.

Marsha currently teaches many innovative classes, programs and certification programs for healers and lay people, improving students quality of conscious living. She inspires them to think out side the box, continuously evolve, and thrive. Her work is a synthesis of her own evolution, education, life experience, and advanced trainings.

Marsha looks at the energetic anatomy of a being as well as the physical being. She listens to the story of the person but sees only the Divine Being they really are, refusing to see anyone as the wounds they may carry. This alone can help one to shift from victim thinking to thriving.


She has studied with Dr. Joe Dispenza at advanced levels and with Gregg Braden. She has studued the work of Michael Talbot, Bruce Lipton, Lynn McTaggrt, Candice Pert and other brilliant quantum thinkers and scientists.

She has received certifications in the following:

  • Marsha studied Polarity Therapy with Nancy Risley at The Polarity Realization Institute, where she received APP and RPP levels of certification in Polarity Therapy. She was invited back to teach and taught APP and RPP levels of Polarity therapy certification from 1995-2001.

  • She was privately tutored in distance healing by Nancy Risley, and studied with her as a R.Y.S.E.© level 3 practitioner.

  • She is a Reiki Master of Masters in the Usui System of healing and teaches Reiki classes and attunements.

  • Marsha studied The Melchizedek method from Alton Kamadon, Barbara Ball and others. She is certified to practice and teach level 1 through level 5 by the Kamadon Academy.

  • She studied BioGeometry and advanced training in BioGeomerty from Dr. Robert Gilbert.

  • She studied Ho Oponpono With Dr. Hew Len.